Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Personal Narrative My Best Friend - 1052 Words
I Threw my books on the bed and approached the jacket slowly, as if it were Andrew Garfield who would become my best friend. I couldn t look away, I wanted to scream. The jacket would be my new best friend. The leather black and silver studs, the belts, and best of all being popular. This jacket is no ordinary jacket, this is my jacket. I heard steps coming up stairs, my mom stopped by and asked if I like it. I yelled yes with excitement and joy. She left, I stared at the jacket like when you see someone and you already know that you are going to be good pals. I put it on, and when I did I felt good, actually I felt great. I stepped away from the bed going into the bathroom to look in the mirror, I combed my hair, I couldn’t†¦show more content†¦I felt fantastic so then I turned around and wrestled brownie. Brownie swooped up bit my shirt, luckily my jacket was inside. I pushed him off and ran inside to put another shirt on. I ran downstairs grabbed my ja cket swung it on like how doctor strange does. I grabbed my backpack and ran upstairs one last time to see how good looking I am, and trust me I looked fantastic. I sat down to think about how lucky I was to have this jacket. That was the first best day of my life, The next day I wore it everywhere I went and everything I did with it on ended up great. We had our 6th grade math test,and guess what I got an B! I thought I would get an A because of my jacket, but B’s are still good. At recess the playground terrorist Frankie T walked over to me. He pushed me onto the hard and cold cement. Then he ran away. I couldn’t feel my, my, anything, except for the the big scratch on my back. I layed there thinking, why didn’t he congratulated me about being a cool kid now. Am I a cool kid? Or do close not make the man. Steve my best friend just stood there. Then just a couple seconds later I could feel the pain. I ran over to Frankie. He pushed me to the ground again, I got up. He pushed me to the ground again, that’s when I got mad. I got up he tried to push me, but I grabbed his hands and then I yelled at him and told him to never push anyone ever again, then I let go. Whe n I was in 5th grade frankie T would still push me, theShow MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative : My Best Friend1210 Words  | 5 PagesSunday, my friends and I were eating a meal of thick stew and crusty bread and drinking a pitcher of hot, spiced, and very watered-down wine. We’d chosen my room because it was the biggest and therefore had the most space for practicing weaponry, our afternoon plan. My friends ate and made small talk. We saw each other most days so sometimes it seemed like we ran out of real things to talk about. I was somewhat lost in my thoughts, about us and about our futures. Koilin was my best friend. He wasRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Best Friend1080 Words  | 5 Pageswent downstairs to get my older brother so we could finish the vlog, but Caleb laid on the couch unresponsive. As I called his name while walking down the stairs, I realized something was wrong. â€Å"Caleb†I yelled tears pouring out of my eyes as I found him, not breathing. He was dead. My best friend, my brother, the only person who made me really happy, was gone forever. I couldn t imagine what I was going to do without him. I loved him more than anyone in my life he was my hero. It s octoberRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Best Friend757 Words  | 4 PagesI’m Wendy. And no, I look nothing like the perfect happy smiling girl that you all associate with the restaurant. I am 5’6’’ and 13 years old. I have wavy, short, caramel hair and brown eyes, with a light spattering of freckles. My favorite colors are blue and gray, but yellow is such a pretty sunny color... it just doesn t look good on me. I go to North-West Independence Middle School. In case you were wondering, that is in middle of nowhere Nebraska. It is like a scene from an old movie, no colorRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Best Friend940 Words  | 4 Pages Looking back, I remind myself that friends are temporary, but memories are forever. This was going to be our last night together, Cesli and I. Cesli Crum was my best friend that I met in third grade. That year came and went, and though in fourth grade Cesli was held back, we still vowed to always be best friends. Then, that winter of two thousand fourteen, her family decided to move away. I felt devastated, so my mom agreed to have Cesli over one evening right before she left. Thus that is whatRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Best Friend1369 Words  | 6 Pagesreason my palms were sweaty and I had butterflies doing loopty-loops in my stomach. I was on my way to visit Julia, one of my best friends at the time. The whole way there, in bumper to bumper traffic, I reflected on all of my memories with her, including playing on a fallen, rotten tree and pretending that it was milk chocolate shop. As little girls, we would dress up in glittery, razzled costumes and sing our hearts out, which continued well into our teen years when she drove me to school my freshmanRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Best Friend1034 Words  | 5 Pagesbeen my best friend since I was deported to this horrid tent city. My spouse and daughter died in the floods of Grimsdon. Every thought of them, cripples me with grief instantly, my heart and soul ached for my precious daughter and partner bring me to tears. Thankfully, I met . Ella, who, whilst she could never replace my biological Family, I feel she is now like a much-loved sister to me. She is the only light when there is so much darkness, surrounding us. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eyeRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Best Friend1033 Words  | 5 Pageshim cuddling into his side shaking from the cold. We d been outside for over an hour, in barely any clothes. My face edged with tear streaks and bags under my eyes. I had mascara smudged across my right cheek and my makeup was running. At one point, I turned over and glanced up at him. I studied his face and thought to myself. This was my best friend. We used to hang out after school at my house and watch movies until late. How had things changed so suddenly? I thought of all the good mom ents we dRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Best Friend1327 Words  | 6 Pagesabout it.  She was my absolute best friend and I could not imagine living 1,300 miles away.  Growing up, we were resentful of each other.  We used words and actions to get our point across.  Not only did we slap each other, but also kicked and punched.  I cried even if it didn’t hurt, that was me being a baby.  My dad would scoop me in his arms and at the same time, discipline my sister.  It was satisfying if you had asked my 8 year old self.  Later on, Madison turned into my soul mate, as I beganRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Best Friend1192 Words  | 5 PagesWe have been best friends since elementary school and gone through a lot together, but we backed each other when it meant the most. While I waited for my flight at Regan International, I called Elizabeth and invited her to my place for a late dinner. I missed her and looked forward to spend time with her. *** As 8 o’clock grew near, my excitement to spend a girl s-night-in with Liz increased. So much has developed since we last chat. Therefore, when I heard the knock on my front door, IRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Best Friend1004 Words  | 5 Pageswhere you think your life is ruined for good? My best friend Peggy and I experienced that feeling one boring night last summer when we were home alone. Last year I was know for â€Å"trouble†, I liked to fight and be the center of attention. I always had to make a scene about everything. Even though I was constantly in trouble with my parents, I never did anything that would put me in jail for a long time if I were to get caught by the police. My best friend was the same way. We both had negative attitudes
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